خاطرة الى مواطن غربي A note to “A Western Citizen”

Makram khoury ✍️


Tragically, the children & grandchildren of #Europe’s #Holocaust survivors (the Israeli Ashkenazi Jews) have adopted the traits of their #Nazi oppressors and proved to be one of the worst BRUTAL TRIBES in modern history.The reason why ”The Official West” and some “gentle souls” condemn (without causality & historical context) any action by “Arabs/Palestinians/Islamists” and turn a blind eye 👁️ to the repeated genocides committed by Israeli Jews in occupied (Gaza) Palestine is their shame & persisting feeling of guilt (though they have been repenting, compensating and apologising for 80 years) and financial interests with Jewish funding.This have turned some “Westerners” into accessories to crimes against humanity, against MY Palestinian people. In this criminal process you have turned us (Palestinians) into the victims of your victims granting your victims (Israelis) a license to commit genocides in your name.

Makram Khoury-MaChool-@ProfMKM ✍️


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